Initial alternatives
Before selecting the preferred alternative, the project team considered a variety of solutions that would achieve the project’s objectives. These initial alternatives were brainstormed by the City of Aberdeen, Consultant Design Team and the Project Stakeholder Group. Please click the links below for further details on each of the initial alternatives that were considered during the first part of the Alternatives Analysis process:
Option 1:
Rehabilitate or upgrade existing bridge (no new bridge)

Permanent existing bridge

Temporary bridge

Temporary bridge

Permanent condition: existing bridge
Option 2:
Build a new bridge & keep part or all of existing bridge

Permanent condition

Existing portion to remain

Permanent Condition

Existing portion to remain

Temporary bridge

Permanent condition: offsite bridge

Permanent condition: existing bridge for peds/bikes
Option 3:
Build new bridge & remove existing bridge

Temporary bridge

Permanent bridge

Permanent bridge

Temporary bridge

STAGE 1: Construct shared use path and use as temporary bridge

STAGE 2: Remove existing bridge and construct remaining portion of permanent bridge
The project team will evaluate opportunities to salvage and re-purpose bridge elements in the Kurt Cobain Memorial Park:
- Re-purpose pier cap and south abutment into park features
- Re-assemble southern portion of bridge in park
Option 4:
Do nothing.